Monday, March 22, 2010

Who What When Why & Where # 2

Who:Felipe Calderon
What:Wants americans to take responsibility in the drug war
Why:Because they need help

Who:Chinese government
What:Are warning google to filter sites
Why:Because they're jerks

Who:Three dudes
What: Stole the sign from Auschwitz
When:Last Year
Why:Because they like concetration camps?


Who:A cat
What: Swims like a dog
When: now
Why: It is clearly confused
Where: in a pool

Who:Two elderly ladies
What: Bee's stung them hundreds of times
When:March 19th 2010
Why:Bee's are jerks

Who:Anie Levitz
What: She text so much she got carpal tunnel
When: March 19th
Why: She text too much

Who: Parents
What Are outraged because school banned fathers from comming to a aprents meeting
When Last week
Why: Because they felt left out
Where Iceland

Who:a jerkish husband
What: Let 19 mice through his wife's letterbox knowning she was deathly afraid to get revenge
When: Last weeek
Why: He is not a very nice person
Where: Iceland

Who: Helsinki
What Won some award
When; Last week
Why They design well
Where Helsinki

Thursday, March 18, 2010

News Story Draft

This past couple of days I've been speaking with Mrs. Charla Buford Johnson who has won an amazing honor. She is a relative of Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Buford and is also a Bethany alumni. She graduated in 1984 and is currently a Registered Nurse who practices specifically in Orthopaedics focusing on Muscular Dystrophy. Not only does she do that but she is progam coordinator of the Orthopaedic Service Line. She coordinates the surgical experience of patients who are undergoing joint replacement and spine fusion surgery. She currently works at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center and was chosen to recieve Louisiana State Nurse Association Nurse of the Year Award. I've had the pleasure of speaking with Mrs. Johnson and she told me more about this wonderful acheievement and some wise words to Bethany students.
Firstly I asked her, more about the award and what it takes to win it and she replied:
"I was the recipient of the Louisiana State Nurse Association Nurse of the Year award. I was nominated by my peers for the impact I have made at both the local and state level on healthcare issues and in nursing; demonstration of the art/science of nursing; demonstration of clinical expertise; evidence of continuing education; mentoring; and participation in professional organizations. The candidates for this award were judged by professional nurses across the country who serve in leadership roles for other State Boards of Nursing and organizations including the American Nurse Association. There are over 44,000 nurses in the state of Louisiana so it was quite an honor."
She also has some advice for you Bethany Students:
"Never sell yourself short. God gives you gifts and talents beyond your own natural ability to achieve the things He has called you to accomplish. Choose a career that inspires you…it takes passion to accomplish the work."
She also said to always represent yourself in your career with with integrity, a high level work ethic, and remember learning doesn’t end at high school it is a life-long journey.

Monday, March 15, 2010

स्वास्थ्य चिकित्सकले बताएका छन्।

Turkey bans trips abroad for artificial insemination

Who:Turky and Turkish women
What: Wants to ban artifical insemination;Turkish women are traveling abroad to get pregnant.
When: Now, the law passed.
Why: It's a against their culture
Dog eats 20,000 dollars worth of diamonds
Who: Dog
What: Ate 20,000 dollars worth of diamonds
Why: It was retarded and hungry
When: Yesterday
Where: Englad
Teenagers get Sleep Lessons
Who: Teenagers
What: Four schools teach kids how to sleep properly
Why: Kids are not getting enough sleep
When: Last week
Where: The UK.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

facebook draft

A lot of people know that when you browse the Internet it allows you a great amount of privacy and some people take it to the next level by staying anonymous. There have been countless reports of people claiming to be something they are not, people flaunting their good qualities and keeping the bad in the dark, and basically just making up a completely new person. Amazingly, on a social network I'm sure you all know called "Facebook" people generally tell the truth about every part of themselves, but the amazing thing is that people generally are more truthful about themselves on facebook instead of in real life.

I'm sure you are wondering how they figured out this amazing fact? Well scientist tested 133 U.S and 103 German college students from ages 17-22. They tested the subjects personalities and rated things such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional instability and openness to new experiences. They then asked the subjects about themselves which turned out to be "idealized." After that they looked on the subjects facebook and found out it matched the scientist descriptions better than the actual subjects description of themself.
This means that your opinion of someone you form from a facebook page might be more accurate than an in real life opinion.