Tuesday, March 2, 2010

facebook draft

A lot of people know that when you browse the Internet it allows you a great amount of privacy and some people take it to the next level by staying anonymous. There have been countless reports of people claiming to be something they are not, people flaunting their good qualities and keeping the bad in the dark, and basically just making up a completely new person. Amazingly, on a social network I'm sure you all know called "Facebook" people generally tell the truth about every part of themselves, but the amazing thing is that people generally are more truthful about themselves on facebook instead of in real life.

I'm sure you are wondering how they figured out this amazing fact? Well scientist tested 133 U.S and 103 German college students from ages 17-22. They tested the subjects personalities and rated things such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional instability and openness to new experiences. They then asked the subjects about themselves which turned out to be "idealized." After that they looked on the subjects facebook and found out it matched the scientist descriptions better than the actual subjects description of themself.
This means that your opinion of someone you form from a facebook page might be more accurate than an in real life opinion.

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