Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alexis Bio~

Alexis Little was born on March 23rd 1993 at Earl K long. She was born in Baton Rouge lousiana for 14 years and lived briefly in Dallas Texas. Alexis has one sister who is in college at southern. Her sister is majoring in criminal law. Her dad is a chef and her mother is no longer with us. Alexis is 17 right now.

Alexis went to scottlandwille elem. moss haven elementery, universitarial elementery, Glen Oaks middle, and now she resides at Bethany Christian School. Alexis remembers when she and her sister was younger her father would turn up the music and turn the Television down low and they would enjoy the music and dance around the table.

Alexis' plans for the future is to graduate highschool early and go to southern university she wants to be investigator or a nurse or maybe a teacher. Alexis wants one or two kids, and wants to get married a long time from now. She likes to listen to music dance and text and talk to her friends. She likes Blues R&B, Soul and gospel music.

She thinks bethany has been fun, because students here were nice and not mean, some of them but not all of them. Her favriote school was Glen Oaks middle because she knew everybody there and everyone knew her grandfather.

In conclusion I think Alexis is a really nice and intelligant individual she has brought alot of fashion and experience to the 2009-2010 newspaper. She is a very friendly person and fun to talk to about things.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who What When Why & Where


Who: Chocolate
What: May Reduce risk of stroke
When:A day
How: Endorphins in the chocolate
Where: In your body


Who: Computer Chips
What: Inspried scientist to create a substance that can purify water
When: April 20th 2010
How: With science
Where: In poor 3rd world countries


Who:Cirque Du Soiel
What:Is touring a circus inspired by Micheal Jackson
When:Sometime next year
Where:Around the world


Who: The Plauge
What:May strike again
When:Hopefully never
How: Infection and dieses
Where: Hopefully nowhere


Who: Sperm
What: Develop in a completly diffirent way than what scientist thought
When: 1 second 1500 can develop
How: Cells
Where: In the male body


Who: Lions and Hyena
What: Where killed by posioned meat
When: Over the Past Few months
Why: People are jerks
Where:A city in Kenya

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ipad story

Apple's new pride and joy the Ipad has got alot of mixed reveiws. The hype and excitement that surround it when was first announced was unimagineable. Pre-orders and saving accounts were in abundance so Apple fans could have their precious Ipad before the supply ran out or probaly just to show it off. Now as the release date grew closer and closer the Ipad's reputation went down the toilet as more details about it came out. People started comparing it to a rock and making fun of the double meaning of it's name. But as people bought it and tried it for themselves it has been agreed upon that the Ipad is not completely useless. I will explain the PROS and CONS of the Ipad and try my best to actually find some PROS.
CONS: The Ipad can't multitask which basically means you can't do two things at once. You can't stream music while writing a paper or surf the internet while talking on the phone. Apple has made a very powerful and useful design but what good is it when it's not being used to it's full potential.
PROS:T he Ipod has third party support. This means you can buy applications from the Istore. Which I guess it's good because it gives you new possiblities and thousands of new things to put on the Ipad to help you with homework, movie times or even a GPS.
CONS: The battery is built in. Meaning if your battery in your month old Ipad cuts off on you, you'll be buying a new Ipad very soon.
PRO: The battery last 10 hours if you're watching a video, and on standby it can last up to a month.
CONS:There's no camera. That means no Skype and no pictures on the go.
CON: It'll cost you an arm and a leg.

Personally I think the Ipad is stupid and Apple has alot to work on before they can release the Ipad 2.0. There are missing features even most cellphones can do and Apple can do way better than what they've done. There is a bright side though. The Ipad is the prototype to a whole new generation of technology to come. The telephone has the telegraph and future technology has the Ipad.