Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who What When Why & Where

Who: Chocolate
What: May Reduce risk of stroke
When:A day
How: Endorphins in the chocolate
Where: In your body

Who: Computer Chips
What: Inspried scientist to create a substance that can purify water
When: April 20th 2010
How: With science
Where: In poor 3rd world countries

Who:Cirque Du Soiel
What:Is touring a circus inspired by Micheal Jackson
When:Sometime next year
Where:Around the world


Who: The Plauge
What:May strike again
When:Hopefully never
How: Infection and dieses
Where: Hopefully nowhere

Who: Sperm
What: Develop in a completly diffirent way than what scientist thought
When: 1 second 1500 can develop
How: Cells
Where: In the male body

Who: Lions and Hyena
What: Where killed by posioned meat
When: Over the Past Few months
Why: People are jerks
Where:A city in Kenya

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