Thursday, February 25, 2010

Water Gate

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstien worked with the Washington Post and uncovered one of the biggest scandals in American history. Woodward has worked for the washington post since 1971 and is still working there as the editor. Carl Bernstien currently works with the CIA.
Bob Woodward currently works at the washington post as the editor. He is also a celebrated author who has had 11 best sellers and some of his books have ever reached number one. He recieved his BA in literature at Yale university 1965. Woodward also served in the US army on a 5 year tour, but he was discharged and considered attending law school. He was not hired because his lack of journalistic skills. Bob ofcourse is most known for his journalistic acheivement when he cracked the Watergate scandal.
Carl Bernstien currently works with the CIA and his parents were investigated by the US government when he was younger. They were suspected of being in the communist party and had been monitered for over 30 years. Bernstien quit the washington post in 1971 because he did not get as much props as his partner Bob.
In conclusion this whole water gate shows you how easy it is to get caught even when you're extremely careful. There are always going to be paper trails, smart people and people who greedy people who will try to get more by doing anything. Woodstien did show that America is a democracy and you can't jip the people.

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