Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass was born into a Jewish family in the city of Chicago. He attended the University of Penn. and worked at the student newspaper "The Daily Pennsylvanian" Even in his early years in writing there was a scandal with the student newspaper. This scandal brought attention to the Penn. State campus from major magazines such as the Rolling Stones, Harper's Bazaar and policy review. A whole edition was stolen by students who did not agree with the comments.

During his stint at the New Republic a smaller online newspaper noticed that Glass's facts did not check out. They discovered Stephen was making up facts, people and dates. He got caught in 1988 on a story called "Hack Haven" He held the title of associate editor at that time. The thing that set people off was how he told the story in a first person cinematic fashion implying that her was there during the whole event. The Editor-In-Chief's wife even found his stories outrageous and stopped reading them.

These days, Glass was fired from the New Republic. He has earned a law degree from
Georgetown University Law Center in "manga cum laude" He also wrote a book called "The Fabulist" which is a biographical pretrial of his life. Glass also wrote an articlefor the rolling stone on canadian marijuana in 2003. He also did a interview with 60 minute. and then oufcourse there's the movie.

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