Thursday, February 4, 2010

Situation in Haiti.

There has been a major and earth changing event happening in Haiti. A earthquake registering 7.0 hit Haiti about 2 weeks ago. A 10 has never been recorded because we all wouldn't survive a 10 so imagine what a 7.0 is. People in Haiti are majorly misplaced. Families have been broken apart because the damage was just that bad. Houses have fallen on top of children, parents have drowned and currently a big threat in Haiti is battling is a lack of food and water.

Haiti a already impoverished nation has had the carpet pulled right from under them them when there was barely any foundation anyway. But there's always hope in the worst situations, such as people have been giving reports of finding oil in Haiti's soil. This could really fuel Haiti's nation and not only put them back on their feet but change the nation from a 3rd world country to a thriving one. Which is a major blessing.

Also other countries have been really helping. Virtually every country who has the resources to help has been sending troops, food just everything they can do help this poor country. It shows how every where people can come together and help their fellow human out. And how there are still people who have not been overpowered by the greed, hate, racism ... just anything hateful. Wars have ravaged our only planet for thousands of years and events like this show us that we can really help if we would just put others first.

I would also like to discuss that there are ways to help Haiti, you can use a testing service that automatically donates 5 or 10 dollars, so that way it makes it convenient and more people will donate. You can also do it the old fashion way and go down to your local Red Cross and donate money. But wait, you can also donate your time and strength down there in Haiti. They need all the manpower that people can offer.

Although this is a horrible event, there will be a silver lining because there always is. Nothing last forever and Haiti will be back on it's feet in no time!

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