Thursday, February 25, 2010

Water Gate

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstien worked with the Washington Post and uncovered one of the biggest scandals in American history. Woodward has worked for the washington post since 1971 and is still working there as the editor. Carl Bernstien currently works with the CIA.
Bob Woodward currently works at the washington post as the editor. He is also a celebrated author who has had 11 best sellers and some of his books have ever reached number one. He recieved his BA in literature at Yale university 1965. Woodward also served in the US army on a 5 year tour, but he was discharged and considered attending law school. He was not hired because his lack of journalistic skills. Bob ofcourse is most known for his journalistic acheivement when he cracked the Watergate scandal.
Carl Bernstien currently works with the CIA and his parents were investigated by the US government when he was younger. They were suspected of being in the communist party and had been monitered for over 30 years. Bernstien quit the washington post in 1971 because he did not get as much props as his partner Bob.
In conclusion this whole water gate shows you how easy it is to get caught even when you're extremely careful. There are always going to be paper trails, smart people and people who greedy people who will try to get more by doing anything. Woodstien did show that America is a democracy and you can't jip the people.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Have you ever wondered why, when someone yawns why do other people yawn too? I call it chain-yawning and scientists have been trying to figure out why the phenomenon happens too for a while now. Did you know that 40%-60% of people who see a picture of someone yawning will yawn too? Sometimes reading the word 'YAWN' will make you yawn. A theory scientist have come up with is, it could be a herding behavior and a subtle way of communicating. As you have probably noticed yawning is not only limited to humans, yawns can even be exchanged inter species! Yawns between people can mean it's time to go, or it's time to change the subject or I'm bored how about you?
Don't know what a yawn is? Well I'll help you out, a yawn in an involuntary reflex where you open your mouth really wide and draw in a large amount of oxygen. No one knows the cause, but the front running idea is that it's caused by your brain realizing there is not enough oxygen in the bloodstream so you take a deep yawn to draw more into your system. Another idea is that yawning can help regulate our body temperature. I hope I’ve taught you more about yawning, and I hope you’ve yawned at least once while reading this.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Dextromethorphan or commonly known as DXM has been misused for ages and ages. Dxm is found in cold medicines so this drug can be bought over the counter making it way too easy to buy and putting kids in danger of over dosing because kids hear how to do this and think an overdose will never happen to them.
Dextromethorphan is found in pain medicines like Nyquil, Dimetapp and Robitussin
although Robitussin has a special chemical in it that will kill you. But it is sold in tablet, spray liquid and pill just everything you can imagine. In it's pure form
it is a pure white powder like other drugs I wont name.

Now, don't get too excited because this drug although easy to access it is very very dangerous and has adverse effects on your body. Such as memory loss and with all drugs resistance which causes you to to take higher and higher doses to reach that high, which is also dangerous because of obvious reasons. Now the high that all these silly people are trying to reach causes hallucinations (seeing things)but with these hallucinations comes blurred vision, vomiting, sweating, shivering, and maybe death. That doesn't sound worth it to me.

Dxm's level has categories called plateau's there are 4 of them. I don't think I can put like the dosages because that's dangerous but I will describe each of them
in great detail. But seriously, this is dangerous and I really don't think you should ever ever...ever this.

The first plateau is very mild not very distinctive it causes lightheadeness and slight music euphoria. The second plateau can be compared to drunkenness you slur, when you talking and can't hold simple conversations because your short-term memory has been temporarily consumed my dxm. There is also a very strong mental high. Not sure what that is. There is also very mild hallucinations.

The third plateau causes strong hallucinations and can cause the user to become very confused as to where they are, who they are, what they are, and why they are in that particular place. It can cause you to daze off into your own world and get lost in your own mind, and can be extremely painful and unpleasant. The 4th and last level is the 4th, and the most dangerous. At this point your mind and body becomes disconnected giving you a out of body experience and can damage your brain, your personality, your body just everything. It also causes you to hurt mentally I mean things like this cause dependence and other horrible things that will effect you forever.

In conclusion, never do this. This is stupid and people do overdose. Just because it's easy to acquire doesn't mean it's not dangerous. It's never too late to stop even if you've started.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Situation in Haiti.

There has been a major and earth changing event happening in Haiti. A earthquake registering 7.0 hit Haiti about 2 weeks ago. A 10 has never been recorded because we all wouldn't survive a 10 so imagine what a 7.0 is. People in Haiti are majorly misplaced. Families have been broken apart because the damage was just that bad. Houses have fallen on top of children, parents have drowned and currently a big threat in Haiti is battling is a lack of food and water.

Haiti a already impoverished nation has had the carpet pulled right from under them them when there was barely any foundation anyway. But there's always hope in the worst situations, such as people have been giving reports of finding oil in Haiti's soil. This could really fuel Haiti's nation and not only put them back on their feet but change the nation from a 3rd world country to a thriving one. Which is a major blessing.

Also other countries have been really helping. Virtually every country who has the resources to help has been sending troops, food just everything they can do help this poor country. It shows how every where people can come together and help their fellow human out. And how there are still people who have not been overpowered by the greed, hate, racism ... just anything hateful. Wars have ravaged our only planet for thousands of years and events like this show us that we can really help if we would just put others first.

I would also like to discuss that there are ways to help Haiti, you can use a testing service that automatically donates 5 or 10 dollars, so that way it makes it convenient and more people will donate. You can also do it the old fashion way and go down to your local Red Cross and donate money. But wait, you can also donate your time and strength down there in Haiti. They need all the manpower that people can offer.

Although this is a horrible event, there will be a silver lining because there always is. Nothing last forever and Haiti will be back on it's feet in no time!