Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Have you ever wondered why, when someone yawns why do other people yawn too? I call it chain-yawning and scientists have been trying to figure out why the phenomenon happens too for a while now. Did you know that 40%-60% of people who see a picture of someone yawning will yawn too? Sometimes reading the word 'YAWN' will make you yawn. A theory scientist have come up with is, it could be a herding behavior and a subtle way of communicating. As you have probably noticed yawning is not only limited to humans, yawns can even be exchanged inter species! Yawns between people can mean it's time to go, or it's time to change the subject or I'm bored how about you?
Don't know what a yawn is? Well I'll help you out, a yawn in an involuntary reflex where you open your mouth really wide and draw in a large amount of oxygen. No one knows the cause, but the front running idea is that it's caused by your brain realizing there is not enough oxygen in the bloodstream so you take a deep yawn to draw more into your system. Another idea is that yawning can help regulate our body temperature. I hope I’ve taught you more about yawning, and I hope you’ve yawned at least once while reading this.

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