Thursday, February 11, 2010


Dextromethorphan or commonly known as DXM has been misused for ages and ages. Dxm is found in cold medicines so this drug can be bought over the counter making it way too easy to buy and putting kids in danger of over dosing because kids hear how to do this and think an overdose will never happen to them.
Dextromethorphan is found in pain medicines like Nyquil, Dimetapp and Robitussin
although Robitussin has a special chemical in it that will kill you. But it is sold in tablet, spray liquid and pill just everything you can imagine. In it's pure form
it is a pure white powder like other drugs I wont name.

Now, don't get too excited because this drug although easy to access it is very very dangerous and has adverse effects on your body. Such as memory loss and with all drugs resistance which causes you to to take higher and higher doses to reach that high, which is also dangerous because of obvious reasons. Now the high that all these silly people are trying to reach causes hallucinations (seeing things)but with these hallucinations comes blurred vision, vomiting, sweating, shivering, and maybe death. That doesn't sound worth it to me.

Dxm's level has categories called plateau's there are 4 of them. I don't think I can put like the dosages because that's dangerous but I will describe each of them
in great detail. But seriously, this is dangerous and I really don't think you should ever ever...ever this.

The first plateau is very mild not very distinctive it causes lightheadeness and slight music euphoria. The second plateau can be compared to drunkenness you slur, when you talking and can't hold simple conversations because your short-term memory has been temporarily consumed my dxm. There is also a very strong mental high. Not sure what that is. There is also very mild hallucinations.

The third plateau causes strong hallucinations and can cause the user to become very confused as to where they are, who they are, what they are, and why they are in that particular place. It can cause you to daze off into your own world and get lost in your own mind, and can be extremely painful and unpleasant. The 4th and last level is the 4th, and the most dangerous. At this point your mind and body becomes disconnected giving you a out of body experience and can damage your brain, your personality, your body just everything. It also causes you to hurt mentally I mean things like this cause dependence and other horrible things that will effect you forever.

In conclusion, never do this. This is stupid and people do overdose. Just because it's easy to acquire doesn't mean it's not dangerous. It's never too late to stop even if you've started.

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