Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alexis Bio~

Alexis Little was born on March 23rd 1993 at Earl K long. She was born in Baton Rouge lousiana for 14 years and lived briefly in Dallas Texas. Alexis has one sister who is in college at southern. Her sister is majoring in criminal law. Her dad is a chef and her mother is no longer with us. Alexis is 17 right now.

Alexis went to scottlandwille elem. moss haven elementery, universitarial elementery, Glen Oaks middle, and now she resides at Bethany Christian School. Alexis remembers when she and her sister was younger her father would turn up the music and turn the Television down low and they would enjoy the music and dance around the table.

Alexis' plans for the future is to graduate highschool early and go to southern university she wants to be investigator or a nurse or maybe a teacher. Alexis wants one or two kids, and wants to get married a long time from now. She likes to listen to music dance and text and talk to her friends. She likes Blues R&B, Soul and gospel music.

She thinks bethany has been fun, because students here were nice and not mean, some of them but not all of them. Her favriote school was Glen Oaks middle because she knew everybody there and everyone knew her grandfather.

In conclusion I think Alexis is a really nice and intelligant individual she has brought alot of fashion and experience to the 2009-2010 newspaper. She is a very friendly person and fun to talk to about things.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Who What When Why & Where


Who: Chocolate
What: May Reduce risk of stroke
When:A day
How: Endorphins in the chocolate
Where: In your body


Who: Computer Chips
What: Inspried scientist to create a substance that can purify water
When: April 20th 2010
How: With science
Where: In poor 3rd world countries


Who:Cirque Du Soiel
What:Is touring a circus inspired by Micheal Jackson
When:Sometime next year
Where:Around the world


Who: The Plauge
What:May strike again
When:Hopefully never
How: Infection and dieses
Where: Hopefully nowhere


Who: Sperm
What: Develop in a completly diffirent way than what scientist thought
When: 1 second 1500 can develop
How: Cells
Where: In the male body


Who: Lions and Hyena
What: Where killed by posioned meat
When: Over the Past Few months
Why: People are jerks
Where:A city in Kenya

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ipad story

Apple's new pride and joy the Ipad has got alot of mixed reveiws. The hype and excitement that surround it when was first announced was unimagineable. Pre-orders and saving accounts were in abundance so Apple fans could have their precious Ipad before the supply ran out or probaly just to show it off. Now as the release date grew closer and closer the Ipad's reputation went down the toilet as more details about it came out. People started comparing it to a rock and making fun of the double meaning of it's name. But as people bought it and tried it for themselves it has been agreed upon that the Ipad is not completely useless. I will explain the PROS and CONS of the Ipad and try my best to actually find some PROS.
CONS: The Ipad can't multitask which basically means you can't do two things at once. You can't stream music while writing a paper or surf the internet while talking on the phone. Apple has made a very powerful and useful design but what good is it when it's not being used to it's full potential.
PROS:T he Ipod has third party support. This means you can buy applications from the Istore. Which I guess it's good because it gives you new possiblities and thousands of new things to put on the Ipad to help you with homework, movie times or even a GPS.
CONS: The battery is built in. Meaning if your battery in your month old Ipad cuts off on you, you'll be buying a new Ipad very soon.
PRO: The battery last 10 hours if you're watching a video, and on standby it can last up to a month.
CONS:There's no camera. That means no Skype and no pictures on the go.
CON: It'll cost you an arm and a leg.

Personally I think the Ipad is stupid and Apple has alot to work on before they can release the Ipad 2.0. There are missing features even most cellphones can do and Apple can do way better than what they've done. There is a bright side though. The Ipad is the prototype to a whole new generation of technology to come. The telephone has the telegraph and future technology has the Ipad.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Who What When Why & Where # 2

Who:Felipe Calderon
What:Wants americans to take responsibility in the drug war
Why:Because they need help

Who:Chinese government
What:Are warning google to filter sites
Why:Because they're jerks

Who:Three dudes
What: Stole the sign from Auschwitz
When:Last Year
Why:Because they like concetration camps?


Who:A cat
What: Swims like a dog
When: now
Why: It is clearly confused
Where: in a pool

Who:Two elderly ladies
What: Bee's stung them hundreds of times
When:March 19th 2010
Why:Bee's are jerks

Who:Anie Levitz
What: She text so much she got carpal tunnel
When: March 19th
Why: She text too much

Who: Parents
What Are outraged because school banned fathers from comming to a aprents meeting
When Last week
Why: Because they felt left out
Where Iceland

Who:a jerkish husband
What: Let 19 mice through his wife's letterbox knowning she was deathly afraid to get revenge
When: Last weeek
Why: He is not a very nice person
Where: Iceland

Who: Helsinki
What Won some award
When; Last week
Why They design well
Where Helsinki

Thursday, March 18, 2010

News Story Draft

This past couple of days I've been speaking with Mrs. Charla Buford Johnson who has won an amazing honor. She is a relative of Mrs. Alexander and Mrs. Buford and is also a Bethany alumni. She graduated in 1984 and is currently a Registered Nurse who practices specifically in Orthopaedics focusing on Muscular Dystrophy. Not only does she do that but she is progam coordinator of the Orthopaedic Service Line. She coordinates the surgical experience of patients who are undergoing joint replacement and spine fusion surgery. She currently works at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center and was chosen to recieve Louisiana State Nurse Association Nurse of the Year Award. I've had the pleasure of speaking with Mrs. Johnson and she told me more about this wonderful acheievement and some wise words to Bethany students.
Firstly I asked her, more about the award and what it takes to win it and she replied:
"I was the recipient of the Louisiana State Nurse Association Nurse of the Year award. I was nominated by my peers for the impact I have made at both the local and state level on healthcare issues and in nursing; demonstration of the art/science of nursing; demonstration of clinical expertise; evidence of continuing education; mentoring; and participation in professional organizations. The candidates for this award were judged by professional nurses across the country who serve in leadership roles for other State Boards of Nursing and organizations including the American Nurse Association. There are over 44,000 nurses in the state of Louisiana so it was quite an honor."
She also has some advice for you Bethany Students:
"Never sell yourself short. God gives you gifts and talents beyond your own natural ability to achieve the things He has called you to accomplish. Choose a career that inspires you…it takes passion to accomplish the work."
She also said to always represent yourself in your career with with integrity, a high level work ethic, and remember learning doesn’t end at high school it is a life-long journey.

Monday, March 15, 2010

स्वास्थ्य चिकित्सकले बताएका छन्।

Turkey bans trips abroad for artificial insemination

Who:Turky and Turkish women
What: Wants to ban artifical insemination;Turkish women are traveling abroad to get pregnant.
When: Now, the law passed.
Why: It's a against their culture
Dog eats 20,000 dollars worth of diamonds
Who: Dog
What: Ate 20,000 dollars worth of diamonds
Why: It was retarded and hungry
When: Yesterday
Where: Englad
Teenagers get Sleep Lessons
Who: Teenagers
What: Four schools teach kids how to sleep properly
Why: Kids are not getting enough sleep
When: Last week
Where: The UK.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

facebook draft

A lot of people know that when you browse the Internet it allows you a great amount of privacy and some people take it to the next level by staying anonymous. There have been countless reports of people claiming to be something they are not, people flaunting their good qualities and keeping the bad in the dark, and basically just making up a completely new person. Amazingly, on a social network I'm sure you all know called "Facebook" people generally tell the truth about every part of themselves, but the amazing thing is that people generally are more truthful about themselves on facebook instead of in real life.

I'm sure you are wondering how they figured out this amazing fact? Well scientist tested 133 U.S and 103 German college students from ages 17-22. They tested the subjects personalities and rated things such as extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional instability and openness to new experiences. They then asked the subjects about themselves which turned out to be "idealized." After that they looked on the subjects facebook and found out it matched the scientist descriptions better than the actual subjects description of themself.
This means that your opinion of someone you form from a facebook page might be more accurate than an in real life opinion.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Water Gate

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstien worked with the Washington Post and uncovered one of the biggest scandals in American history. Woodward has worked for the washington post since 1971 and is still working there as the editor. Carl Bernstien currently works with the CIA.
Bob Woodward currently works at the washington post as the editor. He is also a celebrated author who has had 11 best sellers and some of his books have ever reached number one. He recieved his BA in literature at Yale university 1965. Woodward also served in the US army on a 5 year tour, but he was discharged and considered attending law school. He was not hired because his lack of journalistic skills. Bob ofcourse is most known for his journalistic acheivement when he cracked the Watergate scandal.
Carl Bernstien currently works with the CIA and his parents were investigated by the US government when he was younger. They were suspected of being in the communist party and had been monitered for over 30 years. Bernstien quit the washington post in 1971 because he did not get as much props as his partner Bob.
In conclusion this whole water gate shows you how easy it is to get caught even when you're extremely careful. There are always going to be paper trails, smart people and people who greedy people who will try to get more by doing anything. Woodstien did show that America is a democracy and you can't jip the people.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Have you ever wondered why, when someone yawns why do other people yawn too? I call it chain-yawning and scientists have been trying to figure out why the phenomenon happens too for a while now. Did you know that 40%-60% of people who see a picture of someone yawning will yawn too? Sometimes reading the word 'YAWN' will make you yawn. A theory scientist have come up with is, it could be a herding behavior and a subtle way of communicating. As you have probably noticed yawning is not only limited to humans, yawns can even be exchanged inter species! Yawns between people can mean it's time to go, or it's time to change the subject or I'm bored how about you?
Don't know what a yawn is? Well I'll help you out, a yawn in an involuntary reflex where you open your mouth really wide and draw in a large amount of oxygen. No one knows the cause, but the front running idea is that it's caused by your brain realizing there is not enough oxygen in the bloodstream so you take a deep yawn to draw more into your system. Another idea is that yawning can help regulate our body temperature. I hope I’ve taught you more about yawning, and I hope you’ve yawned at least once while reading this.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Dextromethorphan or commonly known as DXM has been misused for ages and ages. Dxm is found in cold medicines so this drug can be bought over the counter making it way too easy to buy and putting kids in danger of over dosing because kids hear how to do this and think an overdose will never happen to them.
Dextromethorphan is found in pain medicines like Nyquil, Dimetapp and Robitussin
although Robitussin has a special chemical in it that will kill you. But it is sold in tablet, spray liquid and pill just everything you can imagine. In it's pure form
it is a pure white powder like other drugs I wont name.

Now, don't get too excited because this drug although easy to access it is very very dangerous and has adverse effects on your body. Such as memory loss and with all drugs resistance which causes you to to take higher and higher doses to reach that high, which is also dangerous because of obvious reasons. Now the high that all these silly people are trying to reach causes hallucinations (seeing things)but with these hallucinations comes blurred vision, vomiting, sweating, shivering, and maybe death. That doesn't sound worth it to me.

Dxm's level has categories called plateau's there are 4 of them. I don't think I can put like the dosages because that's dangerous but I will describe each of them
in great detail. But seriously, this is dangerous and I really don't think you should ever ever...ever ever...do this.

The first plateau is very mild not very distinctive it causes lightheadeness and slight music euphoria. The second plateau can be compared to drunkenness you slur, when you talking and can't hold simple conversations because your short-term memory has been temporarily consumed my dxm. There is also a very strong mental high. Not sure what that is. There is also very mild hallucinations.

The third plateau causes strong hallucinations and can cause the user to become very confused as to where they are, who they are, what they are, and why they are in that particular place. It can cause you to daze off into your own world and get lost in your own mind, and can be extremely painful and unpleasant. The 4th and last level is the 4th, and the most dangerous. At this point your mind and body becomes disconnected giving you a out of body experience and can damage your brain, your personality, your body just everything. It also causes you to hurt mentally I mean things like this cause dependence and other horrible things that will effect you forever.

In conclusion, never do this. This is stupid and people do overdose. Just because it's easy to acquire doesn't mean it's not dangerous. It's never too late to stop even if you've started.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Situation in Haiti.

There has been a major and earth changing event happening in Haiti. A earthquake registering 7.0 hit Haiti about 2 weeks ago. A 10 has never been recorded because we all wouldn't survive a 10 so imagine what a 7.0 is. People in Haiti are majorly misplaced. Families have been broken apart because the damage was just that bad. Houses have fallen on top of children, parents have drowned and currently a big threat in Haiti is battling is a lack of food and water.

Haiti a already impoverished nation has had the carpet pulled right from under them them when there was barely any foundation anyway. But there's always hope in the worst situations, such as people have been giving reports of finding oil in Haiti's soil. This could really fuel Haiti's nation and not only put them back on their feet but change the nation from a 3rd world country to a thriving one. Which is a major blessing.

Also other countries have been really helping. Virtually every country who has the resources to help has been sending troops, food just everything they can do help this poor country. It shows how every where people can come together and help their fellow human out. And how there are still people who have not been overpowered by the greed, hate, racism ... just anything hateful. Wars have ravaged our only planet for thousands of years and events like this show us that we can really help if we would just put others first.

I would also like to discuss that there are ways to help Haiti, you can use a testing service that automatically donates 5 or 10 dollars, so that way it makes it convenient and more people will donate. You can also do it the old fashion way and go down to your local Red Cross and donate money. But wait, you can also donate your time and strength down there in Haiti. They need all the manpower that people can offer.

Although this is a horrible event, there will be a silver lining because there always is. Nothing last forever and Haiti will be back on it's feet in no time!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stephen Glass

Stephen Glass was born into a Jewish family in the city of Chicago. He attended the University of Penn. and worked at the student newspaper "The Daily Pennsylvanian" Even in his early years in writing there was a scandal with the student newspaper. This scandal brought attention to the Penn. State campus from major magazines such as the Rolling Stones, Harper's Bazaar and policy review. A whole edition was stolen by students who did not agree with the comments.

During his stint at the New Republic a smaller online newspaper noticed that Glass's facts did not check out. They discovered Stephen was making up facts, people and dates. He got caught in 1988 on a story called "Hack Haven" He held the title of associate editor at that time. The thing that set people off was how he told the story in a first person cinematic fashion implying that her was there during the whole event. The Editor-In-Chief's wife even found his stories outrageous and stopped reading them.

These days, Glass was fired from the New Republic. He has earned a law degree from
Georgetown University Law Center in "manga cum laude" He also wrote a book called "The Fabulist" which is a biographical pretrial of his life. Glass also wrote an articlefor the rolling stone on canadian marijuana in 2003. He also did a interview with 60 minute. and then oufcourse there's the movie.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Feature Story: Faux or Dog?

Faux fur has been accepted as the alternative for using real fur. Although using real fur is legal, many consider it to be inhumane because of conditions for the animals and how they are killed. Most fur is harvested in countries like China or Taiwan where animal rights laws are ignored, not enforced or simply nonexistent. Unfortunately "Faux" fur is also "made" there too. This is where the problem starts.

A grizzly secret has been uncovered by the Humane Society of the United States. China has been harvesting dogs instead of making the fur. Yes the fur on your boots, jackets, shirts, anything is being made from man's best friend. One in seven coats labeled "Faux Fur" may actually be fur.

Stores such as Burlington Coat Factory and Loehmann’s have been advertising fasely. The furs on their coats have been suspected to be from a dogs or any furbearing small animal such as racoons. The conditions for these animals are extremely cruel and the way the fur is taken is millons times worse. These animals are skinned and left to suffer. Brutality is not a strong enough words for these methoods. The law apprently protecting these animals is actually causing this. The loop hole in the Federal Fur Products Labeling Act is narrowing this down to dogs.

There is something we can do about this by simply not buying the product, it's really that simple. By not buying this then there is no need for these factories that they have set up. Also there is a bill in the process of becoming law that makes stores and chains identify their fur where the counsumer can see. I think we deserve to know what we are wearing.

There is also a way to tell if you are wearing faux or dog fur. Look between the fur and if you see stitching then congrats you're wearing faux. But if you see skin, then you are wearing real fur. If you are just dont sit back and look surprised tell and spread the word. Tell then where you got it from, what brand store and company. Tell your local ASPCA or contact the humane sociey of the united states. Problems dont fix themselves. We were put incharge of these animals by God to protect them and love them as he does, and what we are doing now is not what he had in mind.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I really liked nathan's pinball uteach. I liked this uteach because I learned something new about the most frustrating game ever. I've played this game and failed hard at it over and over again.

I learned how to not only beat pinball but get the a very high score in a very easy way.

I also liked danielle's it was very funny and unique. She picked a dance everybody know's and put in technical terms which I thought was clever. She even had the song ready to play and we got to put the lesson in actions

Lastly I liked tim's presentation, I learned alot about bonzai trees. I honestly had no idea what those small strees were called and why they were so small. Thanks to tim now I do. I learned more about bonzai in 10 minutes than I know about anyother plant ever, I think.